Printing problems

Hallo everyone!

I would like to print a drawing that I created in Lightburn but the sheet is totally empty. The file is around 85 x90 mm with two layers, one for engraving and one for cutting. I made sure that both layers are ticked active and it is grouped. The file works fine in the preview window.
When I print it as a PDF I can see a tiny dot in the middle of the document and I need to go to max magnification to see my drawing still very small.
So it seems to be a scaling problem, but where can I set it? I open the print dialog and click on “save as PDF”. There is no size option.

So I opened a downloaded document with some coasters and printed it. The sheet was empty as well but for a different reason: The lines were so ultra thin that I almost couldn’t see it but the scaling was fine.

Help…:weary:, please!

Upload your file for us to look at.
Also, post a screenshot of your entire Lightburn screen with your project loaded and the Cuts/Layers Panel and Laser Panel visible. Also post a screenshot of the Settings Window (Gears icon) with the Units and Grids tab visible and post a screenshot of the Device Settings Window (Wrench and Screwdriver icon).

VoilĂ ! Here it comes:

B1_40W_FanCover.lbrn2 (14,7 KB)

Can you also include the Lightburn design file?

Never mind, I see it.

Also enable Cut Selected Graphics in the Laser window.

Your workpiece is outside the work area. That’s why it isn’t printing. You should have gotten this warning.

Enable “Ignore out-of-bounds shapes if possible” in the settings menu(gears icon)
Here is the file after I moved it within bounds.
Moved-B1_40W_FanCover.lbrn2 (14.7 KB)

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Thank you very much but it didn’t change a bit. I downloaded your file, imported it into lightburn and tried to print it. Btw, i never got this error message it lets me continue just fine…
Anyway I still got the tiny dot that only becomes a drawing in maximum magnification, here is a screenshot:

Oh, btw, did you try to print it out?

Here’s what I get on the laser. May I ask why you’re trying to print to PDF?

Edit: I just reread your initial post. I thought you were having trouble printing to your laser.
What PDF printer are you using?

This is from the Lightburn Docs regarding printing.
Use File → Print (Black Only) or File → Print (Keep Colors) to print the current contents of the work area using your computer’s print dialog. Most computers have built-in PDF creation tools, allowing you to export a PDF using these tools as well.

Page Size Warning

Be aware that the page size is controlled by the print dialog, not by LightBurn. If your work area is larger than the paper selected for printing, your design will be scaled to fit on the paper.

I tried a few different things with PDF. I even went so far as to resize my laser bed and still no good for printing, either to PDF or direct to a printer.

What you can do is preview the file and save the preview as an image. That’s how I send proofs to customers.

Here’s a way you can get a functional PDF file. Export the graphic as an Illustrator file or SVG, open it in the corresponding graphics program and export to PDF from there.
Illustrator, Inkscape, etc.
That’s how I got this file. Remove the .txt extension to get pdf.
fan [Converted].pdf.txt (69.3 KB)

Thank you very much, but I couldn’t find the file as .ai or as .svg in Affinity designer (that’s what I have).

However it gave me the final clue to the solution: I saw a vertical line lighting up when hovering with the mouse over it.
In the tools layer I had vertical ruler lines as design guides and even if the layer was not active it obviously had an effect on the document size.
I deleted the lines and the T1 layer and now it prints just fine!

Maybe I am a bit picky here but I wish the print would not only include the drawing but also a frame with scaling rulers and an infobox with some data like name/date/customer/material/etc. and maybe cutting parameters… like it is standard with more professional programs.

Why do I want to print to PDF or Paper? Well before the actual cutting I would like to hand out something to the customer to get approval of the drawing.

Sure enough. I can’t believe I missed that. I guess because it was turned off, I didn’t think about it. Those guides are LONG. Glad you discovered the issue.

That would be a neat option. You could add a feature suggestion for that. Click the link in the header.

I think Lightburn staff would be the first to say that Lightburn is not a design software, it’s a laser control software that allows you to design in it.

I totally understand that and as I reread my earlier response questioning you it sounds a bit rude. I apologize for that, it was not my intent.

Like I said earlier, I use the preview function and save the image from there as it shows the scan lines and what the actual output looks like rather than just the design.

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It was pure luck discovering the lines being the issue. I already reported that as a possible issue that they should look after. I think I will also add the infobox as a feature suggestion, I mean they claim to be a professional software beyond some hobbyists after all.
And please don’t worry about being rude, you weren’t and I totally understood your question. Printouts are totally unnecessary when you do jobs on your own and you want to sell the finished product. But if a customer asks you to make a drawing you need to make sure you get the approval from the customer before the actual cutting and/or engraving. Even if he gives you a file, I would print it out and let him approve it.