I have a TTS 10 Pro with GRBL and I did several tests with Lightburn starting with version 1.7.00 and when I make a circle and tell the machine to follow the path, it doesn’t make the circle but the edges are all serrated.
To clear up the doubt, I took the gcode and viewed it with camotics to find out if the error was in the machine or in the gcode and to my surprise it was the software that generated the error.
In version 1.4.1 it generates normally. I’m posting the image of what it looks like in this thread.
This is the way lightburn generates the gcode and the gcode file is also attached.
How to reproduce the error: Create a circle and generate the gcode.
Does anyone know the cause of this problem?
corte_versao_1703.gc (7,0,KB)