Problem with import SVG

I have a set of SVG files that were generated with a jigsaw puzzle creator. It is simply a set of two paths but when I attempt to import any of them into lightburn, no objects are created. I saw other posts of users having problems where there were nonstandard portions of the SVG that are incompatible with Lightburn (such as gradients), but paths should be standard to import. This file also opens properly with my browser (Chrome) so why won’t it import into Lightburn?

Are you receiving any errors when you attempt to import the file in LightBurn?

I can open up your image on a new page, save it as a PDF from a browser and import the file into LightBurn with no problems.

I don’t know why it won’t import directly into LB but if you open it in Inkscape then break apart the two paths it will then import. Perhaps the LB dev team can take a look at why it’s failing.

I don’t get any errors at all. I did just renew my license with LB though, and had not rebooted after, but I can try that later. After I attempt the import with that file, the status bar of LB shows “Nothing imported”. I am using build 1.6.03.

@JessN is that the workflow I should pursue? Should I use PDF files instead of importing the SVG directly into Lightburn, or is there an active ticket to fix the bug?

Maybe the SVG engine fails at interpreting these very long paths?

I love myself a good puzzle (the metaphorical kind, not as much the jigsaw kind), so I couldn’t help but open the SVG and bodge around with it. After altering various things, I ended up determining that it’s the stroke that is tripping up the process.

The file has stroke="currentColor" as an attribute of each node in the SVG’s XML, but “currentColor” is not defined anywhere. If you simply open the file in Notepad++ and replace all “currentColor” with a color, say “#000000”, the file imports just fine.

The problem is in the jigsaw puzzle creator code, and if I knew what that was (and if it were open source), I would report a bug to patch that. I’m not sure whether LightBurn’s SVG import can be patched to, say, replace ill-defined colors with black, but if it can, problematic SVGs like this could be imported.

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Thank you Nathaniel. I will try that later this weekend, and I appreciate you digging in to find the problem. Interesting how Lightburn chokes on the initialized value without throwing an actual error message.

As for the puzzle creator, it’s no secret. The website with the generator is at:


I use this one

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