Question About using Remote Desktop with Lightburn

I am using Remote Desktop to control a PC in my laser. Every thing works great except except when selecting a group of objects. Sometimes when selecting multiple objects with the mouse the corner marks show up like the objects are selected but then they disappear. This may happen several times before it works. Selecting objects individually always works. I know this is probably not a Lightburn issue because it always works correctly on the local computer. I just wonder if anyone else had the issue and found a solution.

Never used Lightburn in such a way, in fact we strongly discourage remote controlling lasers. The risks and liabilities are immense.


similar/same setup here; RD to win11 host controlling the omtech. I’ve not experienced the selection problem you mention. Access/control has been flawless and immensely convenient, (as I’m sure you’re aware), since I can perform all the setup remotely in the warmth of the house and only go to the laser when kicking off the job.

Are you current on OS patches?

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Thanks for you reply. I am going to check the OS updates. I really dont control my laser from a distance. In fact it is directly behind me, about 4 feet away. Its just that I was having issues with the Lightburn Camera loosing connection. I was hoping it was because I had exceeded the usb cable length, Because of the way I had to run the cable it as over 30 feet long. I was hoping that by connecting the camera to a computer in the laser that issue would go away. However it did not. I still occasionally have to unplug and reconnect the camera to get it to reconnect. The issue has changed though, Before the camera would disconnect during use. Now it only disconnects if it has been on for extended periods without being used.

Just in case someone is having similar Issues. It looks like the issue may have been caused by the USB Hub I was using to connect the mouse to the local laptop. I connected the mouse directly to the laptop and the problem seems to have disappeared.

I also had a USB hub go bad; in a similar situation, some of the ports worked while others didn’t.

Replacing it with a new one fixed the problem, but that definitely wasn’t the first thing I checked. :person_facepalming: :smiley:

This was worth repeating…

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I do connect to my laser remotely. But it is from the computer on the left in the image below to the laser on the right. I am literally 3 foot from the laser. I do see real danger is trying to control the laser from another room or another building but I really didn’t see any difference doing it this way than using ethernet.
I only did it this way because I was having issues with a long USB cable for the Lightburn camera I installed in the laser. It seemed running it up the wall, across the ceiling, back down the wall and to the camera was to long for USB
Please let me know what everyone concerns are.


I know I’m ignoring the question, but were you using an active USB cable? One of my lasers is across the shop from the control computer, so I’m running an active USB 3.0 cable from the enclosure, up the tall shop wall, across the rafters, and down to the computer station. Works like a charm.

Specifically, I’m using this ~10m cable from Amazon: BlueRigger USB 3.0 Extension Cable (32FT, Active, 5 Gbps, in-Wall CL3 Rated, Type A Male to Female Cord)

(My CO2 laser’s just controlled over Ethernet, as things should be, but my diode and fiber lasers, plus their local accessories, are over USB.)

Remote Desktop is so you can remote into another computer. You have another machine at the laser, right? If this is true, your case makes sense.

And yes, you can remote this way. As a Webmaster, I remoted into my work machine. I remoted the work machine into a root access web server across the country. So I double remoted for several years and it worked very well.

You gotta be hiding something: that room looks suspiciously tidy to me. :grin:


I started out using standard USB extension cables connected together which seemed to work sending jobs to the laser. However it was not consistent, sometimes they would fail and I would have to send again. I always had to save jobs to the controller. Just running from Lightburn never worked. Using the same setup for the camera, sometimes it would connect for a while but usually disconnected after a few minutes.
I switched to ethernet to the laser, this fixed all problems between Lightburn and the laser. I switched to a Powered USB Extender for the Camera, This was better but the camera would still disconnect. Not near as often but it was still annoying. I found that if I set the laptop on the laser and connected directly to the camera it never disconnected. So I Put a PC in the laser, connected the laser and the camera to it. No More disconnects.

I did have a problem with the mouse and remote desktop, But replacing the mouse seems to have solved that problem.

Thanks for your comments

Someday I may clean it up. It is not at the top of my todo list though. This is a separate building from the house. It has its own heat and ac, a small refrigerator, a full bathroom with a shower. I have fiber Internet and a TV. My wife hardly ever enters. She just calls me when its time to eat. :smiley:

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That was the before shot. I was still setting everything up then, making a table and space for the SF-A9. Trust me, it looks very untidy now! :joy:

I suspect she likes it that way as much as you do. :grinning:

It seems like you’ve got everything well managed!

The only thing that comes to mind is SWEET SHANGRI-LA.

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