Repeat marking is still glitchy and I can define what I’m experiencing. Repeat marking is flagged to reset to zero after each run. Lets say I have 20 stations, 18 degrees apart. If I run 2 items instead of all 20, the next time I bring up repeat marking, the dialog box says I’m at 36 degrees, not zero even though the rotary did indeed return to zero. If I reset to zero without closing the dialog box, it backs up 2 stations before starting the run. The only way around this is to reset to zero, close the dialog box and re-open it before commencing the next run. Win11 machine, latest upgrades on all software, Ruida controller.
Thank you for reporting this issue — I will log it with our developers.
I realize it’s been a while since reporting this, however this bug has now been fixed for 1.7.00.
For what it’s worth, if you didn’t reset the position back to zero, it would just start where it was and run from that position forward.
The repeat marking window does relative moves with the rotary axis, so it doesn’t have “wrap around” behavior, so the “return” move sends a relative (negative) move back to the start, which is why when you exit and come back the axis is showing a non zero value.
Oz, does the repeat marking fix you mentioned coming in 1.7 also resolve the Set Zero issue where repeat marking has to be closed and reopened to properly take effect?
I’m using an IndexX linear table with 1.6.00. If I open repeat marking, do a small jog movement to offset away from the end stop, press Set Zero, then start the job, it first reverses back to the original position and starts from there instead of the new zero. Closing and reopening the repeat marking window before we start the job starts from the new correct position.
I may have just explained exactly the same thing as the OP.
My observation is that it reverses to the “non-zero” degree value and starts from there.
Yes. Repeat Marking in LightBurn uses all relative moves, which technically aren’t a thing. Before each move, I issue a “reset to zero” instruction, then issue the move in relative steps. If you close and re-open the repeat marking window, you’ll see the result of the last relative move.
That said, wherever you start from is what LightBurn treats as zero, so you don’t need to zero it at all - you can just start working and leave the slightly odd values in that position window, but I did also fix that bug, so if you Set Zero, it resets the internal position correctly and doesn’t issue that first move anymore.