Resetting origin on LightBurn

I’m using lightburn on an Xcarve CNC with an aftermarket laser attached to the spindle head.(Jtech phonoponics) in my classroom. I’m having trouble getting the machine to know where it is on the workspace. I selected front left for origin, but it goes to back right. Home does go to front left, but the coordinates are x -421, Y -394. I need to reset this to 0,0. I do not see a reset button origin button in the move screen. I tried to create a saved point as origin, which puts the laser head where I need it to be, but the numbers are wonky. I fear that when I do an actual burn it will now know where it is on the board. It is also affecting the set up of my camera. Thoughts??

You’re likely dealing with a negative coordinate workspace. LightBurn expects a positive workspace.

Read through this and see if that helps you. Circle back if it’s not making sense.

Common GRBL/GCode Setups - LightBurn Software Documentation

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That sounds exactly like the issue. I’ll get to school on Friday and try it. Thank you for your help!

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