Return to current position origin

I am using start from :current position and selected a graphic to engrave. lightburn assigns an origin (for this run its lower left corner). I start the burn and then notice and error. I hit the stop button. My laser is now somewhere within the area being burned. How do I get the laser to return to the current position origin that it started at?

Could you post a piscture of your laser workbed with the engrave in place?

I think you would either need to use absolute coordinates or set origin.
Move Window - LightBurn Documentation

Current Position Origin by definition is not an Origin at all. It is simply a physical starting point with no location parameters defining it. Sitting in a kitchen chair and sitting on the toilet are both Current position origins. It is only when you reference them to the front door (Absolute Position Origin) can you reliably locate then when in a hurry.

In absolute coordinates the green dot is the machine origin (usually lower left) but when switching to current position designation the green dot moves to the selected graphic . I interpreted this as the new user origin n’est pas?

Are you clicking on the Set Origin button at that point? Are you physically moving the laser head by hand any time after you start making stuff?

If you want accurate repeatable positioning, you need Home position switches and Absolute Coords.

Your thinking is incorrect. The green origin dot is the origin for the graphic. This tells Lightburn which direction to move the laser to engrave. If the green dot is on the lower left of the graphic the engraving will be above and to the right. If the green dot is in the center the engraving will be all around that location, etc.

In current position Lightburn has no idea where the laser head is in relation to the work bed. It starts the engraving from wherever the laser head is currently located and there is no repeatability from that position unless you position the laser head into one of the corners. Current position is always where the laser head is sitting, so when you stopped the engraving, the laser’s current position is the new current position. Understand?

If you want repeatability you must use “user origin” and set an origin point, or use "absolute coordinates’.

Without a picture I cannot help you streamline a workflow.

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