A few weeks ago I got my cheap roller attachment for my 80 Chinese Laser (ruida controller). This one, if that matters (https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B086L4ZQHB/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o04_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1).
While reading the online documentation, it says this:
"If you are using a DSP controller (Ruida, etc), when you change the rotary setting you need to power-cycle the controller, as some of the internal logic isn’t adjusted for the rotary setting unless you do this. "
My two questions:
Power cycle the controller: is this achieved by turning off/on the laser machine, or is there any other way to proceed?
Do I have to do this when I change the object diameter, or just when going from flat to rotary engraving?
And this last question is not software related, but perhaps some one can help me.
I need to engrave some wine glasses with a really wide “waist”. This waist where the roller will be contacting the glass, is 120mm in diameter. However, I will be engraving near the top of the glass, where the diameter is 92mm.
Which value should I type in the object diameter window?
Thanks in advance.