Rotary axis compatible with KT332N Ruida (Ryxon ?)

Hello, I have a 100W OMTECH laser including a Ruida KT332N controler.
I’m not clearly aware with the compatibility of the rotary axis (either than those provided by OMTECH) and I would like to have informations regarding the compatible rotary Axis for my machine.
I read different informations regarding the connecting of this accessory, normaly connected to Y axis but to be connected to Z axis with this controler. I’m a little lost and need to be sure to by a compatible tool.
Could you please share your experience ?

Most people just swap out the Y axes with the rotary…

Mine, a 6442, apparently doesn’t work properly with a rotary on the Z or U axes, but people have gotten it to work with a 6445 type and the proper firmware.

@ednisley has one of these animals… hang around and see what he has to say…


I’m looking for a wiring diagram of a NEMA 17 or 23 stepper motor to the driver of KT332N controleur.
If I have a look to the KT332N manual I can see the stepper motor has only 3 wires instead of 4.
If I look the OMTECH video of the use of the rotary axis accessory, I can see 4 poles aviation connector used.
Here is the wiring connection in the KT332N Manual
KT332N wiring
Can someone Help ?

Not a rotary, yet, but if I did, it would plug into the aviation connector in the Y axis cable.

Where did that suggestion come from?

The KT332N has only X Y U terminals on the back panel.

On my machine, the U axis drives the platform stepper, with dedicated control buttons on the controller’s display / keypad.

There are 2 phase and 3 phase stepper motors…

I’m guessing that you have a three phase motor on the rotary… a different motor driver or motor is needed.


I found that on this forum.

Thank you.
Yes I agree but something is not clear.
On the OMTECH rotary axis description, it is indicated that they use NEMA motors which are 4 wires A, A-, B, B- but on the wiring description of KT332N module this is UVW motors…
I don’t understand.

I posted the difference between these… What is not clear?

Most machines seem to use two phase, but UVW motors are three phase.

The controls to the motor driver itself are the same. You pick a motor driver to use with your UVW motors (three phase) or two phase motor.

I’d change out the motor, if that’s the UVW and pick up a two phase…

You are not very clear as to what is unclear to you, so to speak…


No problem, you are clear.
But What is not clear is :

  • On the controleur manual KT332N we can see UVW motor on schematics… see picture link posted above.
  • On the features of the OMTECH rotary axis accessory, I can see NEMA 17 or NEMA 23 motors depending of the accessory. But NEMA motors are 4 poles 2 phases motors.

This makes trouble in my mind.
Sorry if my english is not prefect… I’m French

I’m breed and born USA, my English is far from perfect … Don’t worry about that … your English is much better then my French :crazy_face:

For most practical purposes, NEMA standards are generally use to determine physical size and mounting characteristics. However, they do have some technical electrical relationships also.

The signals to the stepper motor driver are the same no matter what motor driver/motor combination you use.

In simple terms, if you have a UVW three phase motor, you need a UVW motor driver.

The most simple way to handle this is to tell us what model of motor driver you have…

In all probability you have two phase motor driver and two phase motors. This is the most common and probably what you have. Does all your motors on the machine X and Y have four wire motors?

Another way to look at this, is if you are running servos, the connections to the servo driver would be the same, from the motor driver out, it would be wired like a servo…

Mine are like this and are two phase.

Make sense?


Thank you very much for your help.
I understand that Driver board and motors have to be compatible.
If my understanding is correct, when you buy the OMTECH rotary axis accesorry, you just have to disconnect the Y axis and connect the accessory in place. And in my mind, this concerns the driver <=> motor connector. For my DIY project, I need to be sure of the motor model to be used, I don’t want to replace the driver, make it as simple as possible to connect / disconnect.

I will check this evening on the laser which model of driver is used and keep you informed

So, I have opened my laser machine and check the Drivers boards.
It is DM545A model and motors are connected on A+/A-/B+/B- so it is well a 2 poles 4 wires motors.
Everything is now clearing

Pick the reply that resolved the issue and mark it solved solved-icon-filled.

Have fun :crazy_face:


For completeness, the next time somebody mentions three-phase steppers in the controller doc …

As is typical of laser cutter documentation, what you see is not necessarily what you want.

The controller produces only STEP (a.k.a. PULSE) and DIR signals.

The motor driver converts those into whatever the motor requires to move one step in a particular direction.

Essentially nobody in the commodity laser market uses the three-phase stepper motors shown in that illustration, but they are available:

Instead, everybody uses two-phase stepper motors:

Two-phase motors have two windings, commonly referred to as A+/A- and B+/B-.

So, unless you have a compelling reason to choose differently, pick the most common / cheapest / most readily available motors and controllers.

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