I have a two trees ts2 10W diode laser and a two trees rotary pro attachment.
I have followed the setup instructions from the manual (limited as they are).
When I have the lightburn rotary setup window open and I hit the “test” button the Z axis moves about 3 inches and back, but the Y axis for the rotary does not move at all.
After a few seconds the Z axis will repeat and move the same 3 inches and back.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
What rotary axis do you have selected?
I figured it out…
I had the unit wired to the lead coming out of the motherboard. I realize that it had to be connected at the back of the laser bed off of the stepper motor.
I was able to do some tests and get the mm/revolution dialed in.
It’s still going to take some more fiddling before I am ready to go.
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