Rotary setup problem with Mansfield Customs rotary

I have a generic chinese 50 watt laser (no mfg id on it). I updated to the Cohesion 3d controller and run smoothie. I use a Mac to run lightburn. I set my roller rotary as Axis A. Under settings, did the rotary setup. On the current version of Lightburn, the place where you would set the step rate, it is now degrees and locked at 360. The Mansfield says the rollers are 40MM and the step rate is 4800. Before buying the controller /lightburn package, the software showed the steprate as being an entry in the setup. So, I have a rotary and am not having luck setting it up. Is the current Lightburn rotary setup locked to HM only or did I not understand. Any help is appreciated !! The Lightburn software is awesome when compared to the cracked junk from China. Took me a while to get used to using a real program !!! Thanks for any assistance.

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I goofed, the wheels are 49mm and steps are 4800. Sorry for the error.

For Smoothieware, the step settings are in the config file under “delta_steps_per_mm” - it’s actually steps per degree, so in your case that would be 4800 / 360, or 13.3333333. The Cohesion3D forum or website should have a section on rotary setup. Then just set LightBurn to 360 degrees per rotation, and set the diameter appropriately.

Yep, feel free to post in the Cohesion3D Forum for more assistance with setting up the Rotary in the Smoothie config file on the board’s memory card.

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