I have an omtech dual laser machine I have set up my rotary and I have done all the steps to configure it, I enable rotary and I have set up the dimensions of the rotary as well as the product, as soon as I start the project the machine does a straight line and the Y axis doesn’t not function, idk if I’m missing a step. Need help
Thank you
We should go over how it’s set up.
I assume the straight line is the X axes?
How is the rotary setup and how do you change it to the rotary from normal operation?
Also, how is ‘start from’ and ‘job origin’ set in Lightburn. If using ‘user origin’ have you pressed the ‘origin’ button on the Ruida controller after you’ve set it up…?
Don’t have twin tube experience but have a bit of use with a rotary on my Ruida 6442g, which controller do you have?
What kind of rotary, chuck or wheel (roller)?
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