Ruida 2442 x y travel, bed sizes


We have a hongQiang 1690 150w laser cutter, Yesterday I moved the machine to access the back of it and when i turned it on the y would not travel at all and the x would only travel about 200mm. Although the gantry wont move on the y axis, the controller screen shows the y moving. when we try to move the z axis the travel is limited and it makes a ton of noise and only move incrimentally

I cant connect with the controller through lightburn and when I try to add it new device the bed size registers as 300mmx380mm when it’s really a 1600mm x 900mm table. THe machine has very low hours on it .

I tried diagnoses and everything looks good, The limit switch LED are not activated on the board either.

You had to have jarred something in order to cause these issues as they sound mechanical.

Can you move the head and gantry by hand without effort? Does it home properly?


It definitely went passed the limits yeah they move freely.

I think my parameter settings were off to begin with and that allowed it to travel too far

I’m not sure why the limit switches aren’t stopping the travel either.

The Ruida has limit switches and home switches. To use them both, you need six switches. Most people don’t use limits as it kind of a waste of good real estate.

Once it homes, it forgets about the home switches and watches the limit switches, if you have them and they are enabled within the Ruida.


I’ll check to make sure they are enabled,Thanks!

Homing is usually enabled, but only if you have the hardware will enabling the Limits be of any use. Do you have a set of limit switches wired to the + inputs of the Ruida?
