Hello, i’m new here, i had a problem with my Ruida 6445S. Laser is new, bought few months ago. It worked well till i reinstalled my OS (and Lightburn also)… It has a mismatch when engraving and cutting. I was tried with changing option for X and Y, PWM Rising Edge Valid, always i had same problem.
Also problem was visible when engraving -for example grid with 50 key tags, everyone has effect as “italic font”.
Does someone have solution for this?
Screenshoots and photo of example are attached.
Sorry for my bad English, and thanks in advance!
I am really not certain this is a PWM rising edge problem. This looks like a mechanical rather than a software settings problem to me. Check your belt tensions on all axis especially the Y.
However, try doing an engraving exactly similar to the example we give here in our guide.
Guide related to mechanical issues: