Just brought a S9 few weeks back and have been experimenting with Engraving and Cutting where I see this behavior once in a while.
At specific location in the project, the laser starts a bit early that the designated cut point and this ends in the entire piece being scrapped. Many a time, the jump between the cut itself shakes the machine.
Please check the image below, right below the letter d, the cut starts way below the designated point.
If it’s arbitrary, then it’s most likely not a software issue. The S9 has a very simple mechanic that needs careful adjustment. Check this guide on what to take care of especially:
Similar issue. But I observed this one and it seems to be the jerk it gets when it moves from one cut to another. In the image above, it finishes the dot above the “i” and then gets down to the bottom of the “d”, and its this time it gets a “jerk” before starting the “d” and creates that “itch” cut.
Any idea on how I can slow down the laser head between cuts?
Disable fast whitespace scan. This setting doesn’t make sense in such a project anyway. I didn’t mention it yet because it seems to be the same speed as your project speed. But it’s worth a try.
Meanwhile I added a 200ms delay before starting a cut and this works. The laser head jerks and then comes to rest at the proper point before starting the cut.
I will try disabling the Whitespace scan and update here.