Same issue here. Updated it yesterday and nothing changed
Are you on wifi? Does the problem persist with USB?
I am using usb cable. My router does not have wifi capability. I swapped cables to make sure that was not the issue but issue is still there
The other thread may have been wifi related and related more exclusively to the OLM3.
I have moved your question out of the other thread as the Wifi features may distract from getting answers relevant to your SainSmart 5500mW.
Troubleshooting for you will also proceed differently.
When did this error message begin to appear for you? have you made any changes to the workspace between when it was last working and when it started to generate errors?
If you’re willing, please capture (Copy) some of the wording from the Console window in LightBurn and Paste it into a reply here. Details around the error message are valuable in determining what might be happening. Feel free to Copy more information from that window than might be necessary.
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