Screen printer that’s new to engraving. I just bought a hobby unit, ex tool D1 pro. Everybody recommends light burn

Screen printer that’s new to engraving. I just bought a hobby unit, ex tool D1 pro. Everybody recommends light burn.

After downloading lake burn to try my trial, I go to click find my laser.

After clicking it it asks if my USB is connected, I check, it is, everything‘s turned on, already downloaded the drivers

I click the next button

As it scanning for devices, it gets to 25%, then it shows not responding,

I back out of everything

Close the program, turn off the computer, turn off the engraver, turn on the computer turn on the engraver make sure everything‘s connected do the same process, then it states not responding, it will not get past 25%

I try to Connect through light Burnbridge devices using the Wi-Fi Bluetooth.

Makes it to 100% but under the device info it states, no light Burnbridge devices found

I go to click create manually, and pulls up a list stating, pick your laser or controller from the list

X tool it’s not on the list

Looking for some advice, I would like to use light burned but unfortunately it will not connect to my x tool

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