Sculpfun running opposite ways

I recently bought the sculpfun extension for my sculpfun s30 pro max i followed all the instructions in the video and everything seem to be plugged and installed the right way, the only problem is that when I go to Lightburn program my machines is homing to the bottom right side even tho my switches and origin are set to bottom left also when i click in the program for the machine to go left it goes right any ideas what can be causing this

You had posted this to the Ruida forum. I’ve changed this to the Sculpfun forum to better fit the Topic.

Normally I wouldn’t expect an extension to invert the direction of the axis. I assume the extension came with new cables for X and Y. Were either of these reversed when plugged in?

If not, you could correct this one of two ways:

  1. swap a pair of the pins on one end of the X cable
  2. make a GRBL configuration change on the controller

The software change is slightly easier but you’ll have to remember that you did that. You can make the change by going to Edit->Machine settings and inverting X-axis Direction ($3).

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Yes it came with new cables I don’t think they can’t be connected wrong due that each cable have the color to be conected specifically in the matherboard there’s is not 2 cables with the same pins and color what I been reading is that in the moment that you complete the sculpfun extension there’s is a new Y motor now there’s two Y motors but the homing is running to the wrong one

That should not affect X-axis direction.

Does the extension include an additional motor that didn’t previously exist?

As a note, if you haven’t already done so, you need to extend the Max travel parameters in GRBL configuration for the axes that you’ve extended. This would be $130 and $131 respectively for X and Y.

I’m not sure if X assist would it be up and down if so X assist is right when I press in light burn to go up it goes up same thing when I press to go down it goes down

The only problem is with the left and the right that are the opposites if that Y then Y is the problem and yes it came with a new motor that didn’t exist previously

And yes I’ve change the parameters already

X-axis is left/right. Y-axis is up/down.

Apply one of the fixes from Post #2 and retry.

Okay so X assist is the problem I did swap some cables and it was worse so I put them back how it was. And in the console do it type $3 ? because in this page I have not clue how to invert the X assist sorry I’m kinda bad with programs!

What did you swap and what was the behavior?

In Machine Settings you’re not showing all the parameters. You can expand all nodes to show X-axis direction invert ($3).

If you can’t find it then run $$ in Console and return output.

My bad I think I found it so I turn x direction pin Invert ($3) to true ? I think right now is in false

Yes. And before doing so, I’d suggest you push “Save to file” to take a backup of your settings.

After toggling the flag, push “Write” to save the changes.

Thank you so much man you saved my life right now with the inverted x Asist everything is working as it should now !!! Once again thank you

Here is some guidance about the extension kits, for further reference in case you change something later: Workspace extension kit - Diode Laser Wiki

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