Sculpfun s9 slow

Sculpfun s9 and lightburn seem to run slow , I did a few samples and they took too long, one I did is show below and it took over 1hr 10min

Also my machine settings

































any help much appreciated.

$110 & $111 ( X & Y Max Rate ) are set to 1200mm/min try changing to whatever the max of your machine is and reduce til you are comfortable with the speeds.

Many thanks will give that a try.

1000 mm/ min is very slow for a Sculpfun S9.

6000 mm/min is the max rate ($110, $111) for this other user’s S9.

If the engraver is set up properly and on a stable bench you should be able to engrave at the speeds you’ve selected.

Engraving at speeds above the max rate setting can have some strange effects. Your speed and power settings may need further adjustment after your change to Max Rate.

Settings and their definitions here if you’re interested:

Thank you for the help , much appreciated

You can find a full table of all recommended settings for an S9 at the end of this page:

There are quite some values that are off standard. $120 and $121 are also way off, which leads to slow movements. Set them to 500 or 750.

Cheers m8 , will try that now

[quote=“mrmacca, post:1, topic:107639, full:true”]
Sculpfun s9 and lightburn seem to run slow , I did a few samples and they took too long, one I did is show below and it took over 1hr 10min

Also my machine settings

































Nice one Melvin working at speed it should…Many thanks

On your Fill Layer, if you select an excessively small dot size setting you can consume more time than you need to.

Please double click on the Fill Layer in the Cuts / Layers window. I’d like to see the Line Interval (mm) or Lines per Inch settings.

Did you perform the Interval Test in the Laser Tools menu? This will aid you in getting the best working line interval setting based on your laser and your current focus.

Cheers will do that later for you

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What kind of material are you engraving?

1/254 of an inch is just under 0.004" That’s pretty optimistic.

Please retest to see if a line interval of 0.1500 mm produces adequate results. it won’t travel faster but the job should complete much sooner.

Just 3mm ply and maybe some slate coaster now and then, will give it a go.

Give it at go at 15000 and seemed the same.

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