Sending data to laser

Attempted to do a small project with Lightburn. Not able to move laser via Move window. When clicking on the Start button. I get the following message:" There was a problem sending data to the laser. The machine may be busy or paused/" Able to move laser via XCS.
I have restarted laptop a couple of times and unplugged the XTool D1 Pro a couple of times. To no avail. Using a Laptop with Lightburn 1.6.00 software. I am sure the COM is working since XCS Sofware responds to my commands. CH341SER.EXE driver has been installed and verified in Device Manager.

Does your xtool d1 pro have the latest firmware? Are you using the lbdev configuration file for your machine, as described in this tutorial? Operate xTool D1 Pro with LightBurn - xTool Support Center

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