Serrated edges in mylar

I don’t know if this is a lightburn Question or a Machine question.
I cut 7 mil mylar stencils on my 60 watt laser. Im running them at 45mm/s and 23 power.
I am trying to figure out why i am getting this serrated edge on the cut?
I also notice sometimes when cutting plywood if i have some spots that don’t quite cut all the way thru i can see small dots similar to what i think the serrated edge is made from.
Any ideas what would cause this?


Do you happen to have perforation mode enabled in your cut settings for that layer?


no, perforation mode is off. Thx

Do you have an extra power supply to swap out? One of the most apparent signs of a faulty laser power supply is erratic laser output.

I don’t have a spare, but i will definitely look in to it. I did swap out the fan on the power supply because it was whining. Thx

Just a suggestion but might be the material behaviour vs your stepper resolution.
Try doubling speed to 100mm/sec and up power to 50%

I will give that a try. Thanks!

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That does seem to help, i will keep tinkering with the feeds and power. Thx

Keep us posted would be interesting to see above which levels you get a cleaner line.

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Sorry it took so long to get back.
I did some more testing but did not go any faster. 100mm/s at 50 power is a good sweet spot from what i can tell. I did 50,75,100mm/s and 75 gave the most issues oddly enough. Did not cut nearly as well if at all. When i get another chance i will try some higher speeds. Thanks for doubling my output!

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