Setting for lightburn (console) for the YORA 6550 5.5 watt laser

can someone post the console setting for the YORA 5.5 watt laser please…mine is buring very, very light and it seems I have no control over the power setting on the laser. Here are my current settings: $$

Hi Jeff,
I just got the new Yora 6550 15 watt fixed focus laser and it’s burning fine. I have total control over the power settings.
Here are my $$ settings. I had to set $3 to 1 because x and y were backwards out of the box. GRBL version is 1.1z.
Also, I see your $130 and $131 are showing you have a maximum travel in X and Y of 1000 mm. Mine shows the actual machine size of 650mm in X and 500mm in Y like it should. Is your machine stock size? Have you focused your laser?


Thank you for the numbers, I changed 130 and 131 to my machine size and I have two other questions. first, my 10 is set to 232 yours is 0, and second, I run lightburn on my JTECH and LOVE it. however when I run it on this machine the image is inverted when it burns. it looks right on preview but inverted when it burns, any ideas. I check the setting on my other laser and I can not see what is happening…Again thanks, Jeff

Hi Jeff,
Sorry for the delay.
Are you processing your image in a program like Imag-R or DA Big Gimping Plug-in then importing it into Lightburn? If so, and you have Negative image turned on in your cut setting it will be inverted. If you just import an image into Lightburn without prior processing, then you have to have Negative Image turned on.
As far as $10, I have no idea why yours show 232. As far as I know $10 is for Status report, mask and should only use 0,1 or 2. What firmware is your controller running?

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