Hope I got the right place for this.
I Downloaded a free living hinge box file I no problem with file??) but the file was all red and in one layer, and I wanted the cutouts to be cut out first before the rest so I changed the file for this, ended up with 6 layers all good.
But then I done a preview and some of the cutouts were done then the main piece was cut and a couple of other bits then the rest of the cutouts and finally some others then finish.
Sound rubbish but it was all set right in the cuts n layers with the cutouts up first then the order I wish to have it cut but oh no order is all over the place.
Sculpfun S9, Win 10 home Edition, LightBurn 1.1.04,
Any help please…
Cut order optimization in the laser control windows (where “start” is), also affects this.
Make sure to put the layers before group, that might help.
Thanks for the reply Jordy…Yes that answers my query, I didn’t understand what you meant first up but after read another post you answered I got it, now cutting by layer works the way I/should work…Cheers…Merlin…
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