Shifting Frame location on startup

Shifting frame.
I get everything framed and in place and run good 4.25" white tiles using a jig and then when I am through I turn everything off. When I start back up I send the XTool
D1 to home position using the Lightburn Move command and when I run frame again on the exact same file everything has shifted to the right about 3/16". All of this is without touching the jig which is “locked” in place. What is going on, am I doing something wrong?

Can the location of the xTool walk compared to the jig?

It’s possible there is some variablility in the homing but 3/16 is almost 5mm. My guess is machine walk.

If you cut the acceleration and traverse speed you may be able to produce less machine walk without fastening the machine to the jig.

Some pictures may help folks understand what’s going on.

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