Since Update Unable to set finish position

Hi, Since I updated yesterday to 1.4.04 I am unable to set the Finish Position any more. The laser always heads back to Origin position. Any ideas why this might be happening. It worked previously when set to X10,Y350

Check that you’re not using “Current Position” for Start from mode in Laser window.

I use “user origin” and have checked the set Return To finish setting in Device settings and added the location I want but is still returns to origin location

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Can you provide the following:

  1. screenshot of Edit->Device Settings
  2. with a simple design loaded, go to File->Save gcode, save with .txt extension, then upload that file here

Yorahome 6550PRO and Lightburn 1.4.04

So it looks like LightBurn is asking the laser to return to the requested finish position:

; return to user-defined finish pos
G0 X14 Y420

What is happening at the end of the job that’s making you think otherwise?

The reason for the support question was the laser doesn’t go to the nominated finish position after the upgrade to 1.4.04. It returns to origin X13 Y69

Try a couple of tests:

  1. With the laser positioned at an arbitrary location enter this in Console. Does it move to the desired finish location:
G0 X14 Y420
  1. If you switch to Absolute Coords, what is the behavior?
  2. If you run the gcode that you shared by pushing “Run gcode” in Laser window, does it return to the expected finish position?

Q1 yes
Q2 goes to finish position
Q3 No

Hmm… very strange.

I don’t see how in any way that the job would complete at the original user origin position for the third test. There’s no provision for that in the g-code at all.

Have you been running many jobs this way all with the same results?

Try a new very simple test please. Create a rectangle. With user origin set, save the gcode, and upload here. Run the job to validate behavior.

Up until I updated to 1.4.04 they always finished at the nominated position.
I have uninstalled and re-installed Lightburn and put back in the same settings I had for nominated positions and it appears to go correctly to that position when completing a job.
So got me baffled what was happening.
I will close this topic now and thanks for your help

It hasn’t fixed by reinstalling. When I open a new job to do the device settings for

They have gone back to X0, Y0. So something is wrong with 1.4.04 update not retaining the settings

You’re saying that every time you start a new job the “Return to Finish Position” reverts to 0,0?

Yes and I have just completed a cut job, the device settings were set to the return position as below but laser returned to of Origin again. The GCODE is not making any sense of where the laser finishes up

Natsuki Bauble Hanger 330 70.txt (4.8 KB)

The g-code indicates you were working in Current Position. If you do so then “Return to Finish Position” will not come into play.

So that’s another problem that the update has produced. I have always had the laser loaded with User Origin and have never had to change that going from any new drawings I open. It has always stayed there. So now not only do I have to load the finish position I also have to check each time what "Start From " is set to.
The new update seems faster but not at the expense of having to re write positions and origins each time.
Bit over it, I was working fine previous to the update. I thought I was doing the right thing updating software as recommended by so many people

If you open a file with job origin saved to it then this can override that setting.

Review this again after a few jobs. I’ve not seen this change.

This should be standard practice. But if you only exclusively work with files you’ve produced and never change this setting then this isn’t likely to change.

There may be some hurdles as every version will have changes. The improvements in functionality are generally worth it as they can improve productivity. But of course you’ll have to get to a comfort level of improved functionality vs potential adjustment period.

Have to check from Start from each time not holding saved position
This wasn’t the case with the previous version. So please add this back as it is a big inconvenience.
Also it is still not saving the Finish Position.
I have had it going back to the old version if it will let me

You can revert to older revisions by downloading and installing from here:
Releases · LightBurnSoftware/deployment (

Thank you.