Sizes entered and lasered do not match, what and how do I adjust whats needed

Sizes entered and lasered do not match, what and how do I adjust whats needed

Menu item Edit–>machine settings–>calibrate axis

Hi runfel, opened up the machine settings and here are what is stated. x axis Current step length
8.96458, requested distance 200.000 (?), Actual 200.00, new step length 8.96459. Y Required distance 200.00, Actual 200.00, New step length 4.12189, States - Queued changes (?). How do I change the queued changes ?. I have not made any changes to anything. I will take a pic before I do. I bought this machine about a year ago second hand and apart from re-aligning the mirrors correctly I have not touched it as such. I did replace the control box at Christmas (had not noticed the water pump had failed).

Before ‘tweaking’ anything ensure you go to ‘Edit → Machine settings’ and ‘save’ the current vendor settings in case you need to revert to them…

I can’t see how this could change, except wear, but I doubt this is a good place to change it… IMHO

This should have had a sensor that determines the coolant is flowing… Too much heat is detrimental to the tube in a number of ways…

Pretty sad you had a controller failure… assume it was a Ruida…

Good luck


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