Skipping lines when doing a burn

There have been many times when I’m burning a file and the laser turns off while it’s going through the motion of creating lines. For instance, say I’m burning a square as a vector, and only three sides of the square will burn, even thought he laser moves through all four sides. When it gets to one side, the laser beam simply shuts off, then turns back on to complete the burn. This is sometimes with a font, sometimes with a curve, sometimes with a straight line. I import my graphics from Illustrator, and I’ve varied the line weights and it still happens. Last week, it didn’t happen at all, today, it happens every time. This gets very frustrating, because it’s starting to ruin jobs.and I don’t know whether it’s software or the Ortur LM2 Pro. It seems like it’s shutting the beam off in the same place every time when I try to burn the same graphic. In the attached image, only where it’s marked in red is where the beam is shutting off, but it’s still following the path, then turns back on.

I have another image that is in the file, all vector, and it skips there as well. So I moved the vector twice, and all three times the beam shut off and skipped the lines, so I highly doubt this is a wire/plug issue, because bad wires and plugs don’t retain memory on when and where, and how long to turn off the beam… and only to do so when it’s a vector file. This doesn’t happen with bitmapped images. The preview shows it completing the burn (black lines)


can you share your .lbrn file for check?

One thing I’m finding out this morning is that if I ungroup the image and then select everything and send it, nothing skips. So it appears to be a grouping issue, because every time I ungroup, I get the full image. A couple of times I ungrouped and ran just the lines that skipped, and they burned just fine. I’ll do more testing. Two places this has never occurred: Cutting and Fill. It’s only skipped lines during a Line (vector) pass.

No input from anyone? I can’t get anywhere on the Ortur group, of course everyone guesses and tries to tell me that my wires are cracked, or that the belts are loose, or any number of guesses, but here’s the thing: the exact same lines are skipping every time now, but I can select them individually and they’ll burn, if it’s grouped, if I select several objects, the same lines are not burning - now it’s down to every time. I really thought I could get this figured out, it’s frustrating. Cut lines won’t skip, fill lines won’t skip, but vector lines seem to have an issue, sometimes it’s towards the beginning, other times towards the middle or end, but I really wish I could figure out what’s causing this.

You had not responded to @killrob’s request. Had you missed it or are you reluctant to share the .lbrn file? May be difficult to troubleshoot this without that.

Can you diagram which exact lines are skipping. Then someone may be able to try to reproduce what you’re seeing.

I saw the reply, but since I started experimenting that graphic (ungrouped) will complete the burn every time now. At any rate, since the module is actually moving through the motions, there isn’t a code showing up that provides a clue. Something is turning the beam off, but I have no idea why. Now that I’ve ungrouped, certain lines are are not being burned. I guess technically they’re not being ‘skipped’, they just aren’t burning.

In the graphic below, all lines are green, and grouped or ungrouped doesn’t matter: the red part doesn’t burn, when the beam gets to the blue line it will burn up to the point where it turns magenta, then it turns off a little past the node (not at the node itself). I can click on each of those segments after the rest of the burn, and they will burn like there was never a problem.

Hope that helps… there’s nothing that really stands out. First I thought it was my Corel files (exported to Illustrator). Then I thought maybe because it’s CS6, so I saved as the most current Illustrator file (subscription based) and still… the same lines don’t burn.

Can you upload the actual .lbrn file or no?

Can you explain this more? You’re designing in CorelDraw and then exporting in AI format or you’re then opening the file in AI?

Both, neither changes anything. When this first started, I was just exporting to CS6 from CorelDraw. Then, without ever opening the .ai file, I was importing it directly into Lightburn. I had been doing it this way since last year when I first got my laser. When this started happening, I tried opening the file in Illustrator, and then copying/pasting into LB. Then I opened the file in Illustrator and saved it as Illustrator 2020, and it’s still happening. Currently, I changed the color of the components that don’t burn to yellow, then grab all objects (green and yellow) and run the file, and all components are burning. That seems to be the way around it for now. But it doesn’t make sense that it won’t burn that part of the file unless it’s a separate job/task. The image is all part of a much larger file, so if that’s what it causing it, then it’s a first as I’ve done much larger files before without issue.

Anyway, if you don’t share with us your lbrn files we can make any sort of guess that can cause the issue, WITH the files we can try by ourselves to reproduce your issue and help you more. But you are not intended to so… i can’t give any help

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