Stop image burning only

Hello, I have been experiencing a problem for a while now with burning stopping, only on images. whether it’s cutting, filling, never any problem, but as soon as it engraves an image, the laser stops working, and without any error message. The counter continues to advance as if it were still working. I have the latest version of Lightburn, PC fully up to date, I work with a Creality Falcon 2 Pro 22W. Has anyone ever had this type of problem? and is there a solution?

Bonjour , je rencontre depuis un petit moment un soucis d’arrêt de gravure , uniquement sur les images. que ce soit de la découpe , du remplissage , jamais aucun problème , mais dés lors qu’il grave une image , le laser s’arrête de travailler , et sans aucun message d’erreur. Le compteur continue d’avancer comme si celui-ci était toujours en plein travail. j’ai la dernière version de lightburn en date , pc totalement a jour , je travail avec une creality falcon 2 pro 22W. Est-ce que quelqu’un aurait deja eu se type de soucis ? et y a t’il une solution ?

The laser shuts off?
Or the machine stops moving?
You might try enabling this in device settings also.

thank you for this response.
it simply stops, no more movement or active laser, no error, neither in lightburn, nor on the machine. as if she was waiting for what happened next.

I’m on version 1.7.03 and I don’t have this gcode option.

Another little thing too, which is strange but which allows me to burn an image and
creates a rectangle and I use the image mask function… there is no problem, the image is burned entirely.