Strange Path for Etching Image

I am etching the following image on a tumbler (from an SVG) -

Rather than rastering the image from Bottom to Top (or Top to Bottom) Light Burn jumps all around -

It takes a long time and leads to less than perfect line and line up of the features. The best part is when it just etches the vertical line…

Is there some way to force lightburn to etch from Top to Bottom or Bottom to top. I have tried playing with the various optimization settings and changing the start point with no luck.



Yes, there are all sorts of controls. Depends on the optimisation settings, your controller and how your machine is configured.

I have a Chinese blue and grey 60W with a Ruida 644. If you have any pointers on where to start that would be great!


Jumping around…do you have ‘Flood Fill’ set on that layer by change? Don’t use that for this style of work. It is intended for something different from what you may be thinking.

Make sure you have “Fill all shapes at once” set in the fill layer, and you do not have flood fill enabled.

Fill shapes at once is what I was missing! Thanks!!

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