I own a Falcon2 Pro 40W. On the laser head, there is a button that allows you to switch to “Precise” mode, using only 22W for the laser and thus providing a more precise laser point.
This mode can be switched from Lightburn. Indeed, by entering the parameter $156=1, this associates the “Air” mode with the laser power.
This means that if the layer is a cutting layer and “Air” is checked, the mode stays in normal. If it’s an engraving layer, and “Air” is unchecked, the laser switches to “Precise” mode.
Problem: You can tell the laser to switch from Normal to Precise, but not the other way around. So, you must first perform the cutting, and then the engraving, and as you may know, this is not practical because pieces can detach and then need to be engraved.
I can’t find much documentation or help on this $156 parameter.
Does anyone have any idea how to fix this?
(Also, I believe this parameter $156=1 needs to be entered every time before starting the job. Is it possible to keep this parameter stored all the time?)