Temperatura módulo láser y Lightburn

Hola a todos y todas.

Tengo un Neje Master 2s Max con el módulo láser NEJE A40640. Utilizo Lightburn para controlar los trabajos ya que ofrece herramientas y una buena gestión de los archivos, que en comparación con el software que Neje suministra es deficitària, si necesitas ajilidad y posibilidades de manipular el trabajo, mejor Lightburn, pero el GRBL que utiliza y el software en si, no ofrecen la publicación de temperatura del módulo láser a diferencia del software de Neje.
Se me ha ocurrido utilizar la placa que Neje ofrece en su página web, NEJE PWM/Temperature laser switch board for Laser Module Manual PWM Control with Cable.
Sí lo instaló y hago pasar la señal TTL por el PWM, ¿Podré hacer funcionar la máquina y al mismo tiempo tener una lectura de la temperatura?


I have a Neje Master 2s Max with the NEJE A40640 laser module. I use Lightburn to control the jobs since it offers tools and good file management, which compared to the software that Neje supplies is lacking, if you need agility and possibilities to manipulate the job, Lightburn is better, but the GRBL that it uses and the software itself, they do not offer the temperature publication of the laser module unlike the Neje software.
It occurred to me to use the board that Neje offers on its website, NEJE PWM/Temperature laser switch board for Laser Module Manual PWM Control with Cable.
If you installed it and I put the TTL signal through the PWM, will I be able to run the machine and at the same time have a temperature reading?

That’s a good idea. I’m not certain but I think that should work. It’s possible that the firmware in the machine requires or expects the temperature information back from the sensor but I doubt it, otherwise no 3rd party laser modules would work with the Neje. You could test this by removing the sensor pin from the connector.

You would need to adapt the cable from your controller to be 2-pin and supply external power it looks like.

Hopefully someone with this specific board can share their experience.

Gracias, por el elogio y haber si alguien lo ha echo y comparte.

Thank you for the praise and if someone has done it and shares it.

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