Hi! I am having some trouble getting Lightburn to connect to my laser. It was working fine a few days ago but I’ve been trying to get it back up and running all day and I’m stumped.
iMac running Big Sur
Latest Lightburn software
Aeon Mira 9 Laser
USB port on laser to USB port on computer (have tried different cords)
Lightburn console error - “port failed to open - already in use?”
Machine settings error - communication with controller failed
Start button error - “There was a problem sending data to the laser. The machine may be busy or paused”
Just wanted to update you - I downloaded a version from August 2021 (1.0.00) and now it’s working fine. Not sure the reasoning but wanted to share for anyone who might experience the same.
Tara is working with a Ruida control system where there is a different driver required. Apple has been introducing changes to their USB support that are challenging.