레이저 컷팅말고 그림(사진)을 각인하고 싶은데요..어떻게 할수 있을까요?

컷팅말고 그림(사진)을 각인하려고 해요…
주로 컷팅을 많이 쓰기는 하지만…
이번에 그림을 각인할 일이 생겨서요~~

단순히 그림을 추가하니까… 각인처럼 안되고 커팅처럼 작업이 되더라구요…
그림 각인하는 방법좀 알려주시면 감사드립니다^

Translated from above:

I’m trying to engrave a picture (photo) instead of cutting it…
I mostly use cutting, but…
This time, I have a job to engrave a picture.

I’m just adding pictures… It’s not like engraving, it’s like cutting…
Thank you for telling me how to engrave a picture.

To etch an Image in LightBurn import the desired image ‘File > Import’ - this will add the image to the workspace and create a layer for the image in the right pane of Lightburn called Cuts / Layers.

Double click this layer to edit the settings. You can also go to Shape Properties (Window > Shape Properties > click the “Shape Properties” Tab on the right pane) to edit the image.

This page of our docs is great reference: Image Mode - LightBurn Software Documentation

This video explains image trace, a pretty amazing feature: LightBurn Basics - Image Trace - YouTube

There’s also this guide that explains basic image etching Basic Photo Engraving Directly In Lightburn Software - YouTube

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