Trace / Mask question

The attached, are trace results from LB, The photo has some very light areas that won’t trace along the desired path no matter what settings I use. I have tried outlining(tracing) the image in other programs without success. I had the idea of exporting the result into a photo editor and fill in the mask and then import again. The issue with that is the export is not a solid fill but a pattern of black and white pixels that cause issues with that plan.

I don’t see a way to affect the output of LB to a solid pattern. The goal is to have a smooth continuous mask along the radius without the “blocks”. Ideas? TIA

Node edit is a very powerful tool.

Trace then edit nodes to nudge the object into shape.


Use Boolean Weld to overlay another shape to patch over the holes you want to remove.

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OK so, …that’s embarrassing. My edit node skill leaves MUCH to be desired. but a simple shape with the “Boolean Weld” function does the trick. Thank you very much for the help and for changing paradigms

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I stand too close to the trees to see the forest more often than I want to admit. I’m happy that I could help you.

Node edit is a very powerful tool. I have found the key to covering shapes like you have is to multi-select the nodes by dragging a box around the ones you want to remove, then press D to delete those nodes. That works so much faster than individual selection of the nodes.

I like to work in FILL mode during design.

Have a great day, amigo!


Node edit. My most favorite tool. Delete just nodes in the bad area, which leaves you with a line between the area you deleted and grab line in the middle and adjust to make the curve. Literally one minute.

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I have never seen this, but the controls become sensitive when there isn’t much of a range…

Keep in mind you can use use trace multiple times on an image. Tracing different colors or grayscale values, you might have to put them back together but it’s a can do.


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What I have found so far (remove background with Adobe) then with LB’s (create a mask to limit to the area to process) then to get just the outline use the trace function set the threshold 254 and (most of the time) you get a outline of the area of interest

The issue with this was the photo had a lot of “white” near the area I wanted to outline and it wouldn’t cooperate with the above process as it would exclude the area I wanted to include.

Edit hit ctrl enter vs enter…

It is unclear from your post whether the attached pic is before or after tracing in LB.

“The attached, are trace results from LB”

OK. Can you upload the original picture you traced?

Try the technique in this video.


Thank you. You answered a question I had I didn’t ask. Can’t tell you how many YouTube videos I sat through that didn’t explain the node function well at all. I searched the LB YouTube channel and there it was … You were right btw. 1 min.

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Just adding another way to solve this problem, from a video I made a little while back for the LightBurn Channel. :slight_smile:


So many innovative ways to skin a cat.
Disclaimer: Even thou I am a dog person. I in no way advocate skinning a cat.


@BillieRuben you are my new angel of mercy!!!

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