Traduction Fenêtres (Translation Windows)

Certaines de mes fenêtres restent en anglais. comment avoir la traduction en français pour TOUTES mes fenêtres ?

Some of my windows remain in English. how do I get the French translation for ALL my windows?

You’re right, the translations are incomplete.

I’ve got LightBurn 1.3.00 Beta up and running and it seems the translations are better.

If you’re willing to share which windows are the most off-putting or tiresome I’ll test them in the new Beta and if lacking, put a note in the Dev channel to highlight that the translations require further work.

Thank you for letting us know.

Bonjour. Il y a plusieurs fenêtre non traduites. Faire des copies d’ecran me prendrait trop de temps. Je le regrette, ca aujourd’hui,9 décembre 2022, je vais acheter la licence. C’est quand même payer pour un logiciel non complet, non traduit intégralement. Pensez vous à vos clients français comme ils le méritent ? Je ne pense pas…

Hello. There are several untranslated windows. Taking screenshots would take too long. I regret it, that today, December 9, 2022, I will buy the license. It is still paying for an incomplete software, not fully translated. Do you think of your French customers as they deserve? I do not think so…

I agree, the translations are a concern.
Further, it’s not just the French language translations that are problematic. Most of our translations are community contributions dating from when LightBurn was too small to hire professional translation services. Fortunately, the terminology list will be sent to a translation firm in the New Year and we expect to maintain full translation compatibility from then on.

Merci. C’est important car votre logiciel est merveilleux. Pouvez vous faire un topic, par exemple en pdf sur l’adaptation des end stop ? Bonne continuation

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