Two failed burns

Current Version of LB. Two failed burns, each had to be stopped. Could not get it to resume. After stopping I had complete control of my Laser system. I don’t think this is my PC or my Lasers Motherboard. Any suggestions? Thanks Daryl…

Started a long burn last night and paused it before bed so I could resume it this morning. But Light burn would not resume the burn.

In LightBurn there’s a Console window. Do you see an error message there? If so, copy and paste it into a reply here. Some surrounding context would also be of benefit.

Will do if it happens again. Thanks

Well it did it again this morning on a test burn. There is no error codes. It just stops, and can not restart. If I hit stop control to the laser system comes back.

Uploading: 20220408_120342.jpg…

Your second jpg didn’t take.

In the meantime, I’ll move this to the Marlin group.
I hope to find some input on this.

I just watched the setup video of the BIQU B1

Can you tell us more about your engraver

The only part of my Laser system that is related to the Biqu B1 is the SKR 1.4. My system is a DIY CoreXY laser system that I built. Used my old SKR 1.4 board from my upgrade on my 3d printer. And built the frame from spare parts. Using a Atomstack M40 laser. Marlin has been changed for laser usage. Tried to do a burn on Canvas yesterday and thought I would get lucky but it stopped about 2/3rds of the way through it. Again with no errors and had complete control after hitting stop…

I often suspect data loss from the USB cable when large pieces fail without an error message. That’s a stunning piece. I feel your loss.

Can the controller accept a g-code file on a memory card or stick?
Do you have a new, short, shielded USB cable with ferrite beads on it?

If you’re willing, find a wasteboard and repeat the project and try to make it halt in the same way. Wiggle power cords, USB cords, run the drill or egg beater (something that makes the TV glitch) near your engraver.

Since it’s a home-built, you’ve got some skills and I can ask the next harder question. How close is the Laser & Motor power supply to it’s design limit? With a computer connected to the control board, it stays powered and continues to communicate and run it’s script. If the power supply hits a thermal limit or a self-resetting circuit breaker trips the controller often won’t be informed (unless power monitoring is baked into your build). The controller will purr along like nothing happened but motion and laser will stop. One user here hooked up a lab-grade DC power supply and solved all their job-halt problems.

I can load files on a Sd card. Might change out the USB cable. Tried another burn on the rest of the canvas and it stopped on that burn to. So it has to be something to do with the Laser feeding back into the USB… Laser board is powered off a 12 volt brick. Same with the laser both are within 3 inches of each other. I might try moving things around and see if I can correct the problem…

My laser control board is powered by a dedicated 12v brick. Not powered by the USB. I have moved the laser and main board power lines away from each other. See if that helps

If you can load jobs to SD card… try running saved gcode from SD. If it works successfully then you know the issue is limited in some way to communications and not a voltage drop. If it still doesn’t work then could be an issue with power.

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I have tried the SD card and have no problems completing a burn. Has to be EMI or some type of feed back. It’s just weird Lightburn is still running. Console shows no transmission to the laser board. But if I hit stop, complete control of the laser systems returns. No need to do any reset of the connection.

It could be even just a temporary blip or a corrupted command to the controller. If you haven’t already done so, you may want to take some steps to bond and ground your machine. These machines generate a ton of static electricity and have all sorts of fun with USB ports.

Could be static build up. It’s random does not happen in the same spot in the g-code. I ran a burn with the laser control board powered up but with the laser unplugged and it failed. Seems to work fine if the power is not on for the laser. Trying the same burn but with the laser contoll board powered down. Thinking about ordering a Shielded USB cable.

The other thing to look at is to try reducing baud rate or switching transfer mode to synchronized. This could workaround some signaling issues.

Transfer mode has always been set to Synch. I just completed a Sd card burn with no problems. Ordered a shielded USB cable see what it does with that…

Have you tried it with buffered in that case?

Not yet but I will…

It seems to like buffered better. Also notice movements are more smooth. It was stepping through the high burn areas. Now it’s a more steady pace. Thanks all for the help. Got some more Canvas coming so some large burns coming up. Will see how it does. Will still installed the Shielded USB cable when it gets here,