I was getting slightly off layers so to test i made a simple box, duplicated it and burned them individually without disturbing the work piece. The second box was about 1mm inside the other. can anyone explain this?
Also after homing the laser i start from a saved point, and when framing before burning it frames and returns to this exact point yet after burning it consistently returns to a slightly different point about 3mm to the left. It quite accurately does this everytime with the burn out by about the same distance.
Any help appreciated!!
First thing to always check when there is a position problem is all the set screws on stepper motor couplings or pulleys.
I copied the project and started a new and the burn was spot on. Don’t know exactly what was causing it, maybe a rouge dot somewhere on the work area or something. Wasn’t anything loose as I was ultra thorough when assembling.
Anyway back to my project after a stressful pause!
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