I recently purchased a STYLECNC 1390-2 laser from China. I am have difficulty setting the parameters for this two-tube laser (L1 is 80-watt & L2 is 300-watt). Attached is a screen shot of my settings.
Trying to run the “MATERIAL TEST” I am have difficulty with which tube is doing what in the MATERIAL SETTINGS, TEXT SETTINGS, BORDER SETTING. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you
My memory isn’t great, but it seems to me there isn’t a way to choose which tube is enabled for the materials test…
Maybe it’s smart to ask @JohnJohn about the issue… Let’s hope he drops by soon for you.
When you run a material test and specify “Power” as one of the parameters to vary, the software applies that power value to Min and Max power in Laser 1 and Laser 2.
If you click the “Edit Material Setting” button you can turn on Laser 1, Laser 2, or both, across the top, and if you aren’t varying the laser power, you can set the power values there too:
So if you turn off laser 1 and turn on laser 2, you should get a test using the 2nd laser head. Is that not working for you? (this was changed 8 months ago in the code, so it should be in the 1.7 version)
Don’t have dual lasers, thanks for the clarification.
Thank you for your response. I will work on this tomorrow.
When I :
Sorry, I didn’t finish typing. When I try to PLUSE I am only seeing a PLUSE from the 2nd tube. How do I get both tubes to PLUSE. Or, more specifically, how do I select which tube will pluse?
That would be a setting on the controller menu itself, not through LightBurn. I’m not sure where that option would be, but the manufacturer of the machine would know.
Thank you very much for your response. Lightburn is the greatest.
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