Two Versions of LB; One Windows PC

We have 170+ people who use our lasers.
Most have older versions of LightBurn but many have 0.9.21/0.9.22.
Given the issue with 0.9.22 not reading older file formats, we need a solution.

Is it possible to install two versions of LightBurn so either can be launched and run?

My experience has always been that the old was overwritten.
However, there might be a command line switch to help?
Our users could then launch the version they need.

Help us understand what is given? Please explain the exact issue you are referring to. We have not had reports of “not reading older file formats” that I have seen. We provide support both the LightBurn Legacy Project format (.lbrn) and the new LightBurn Project format (.lbrn2).



I was getting my input from member complaints and random forum posts.
While I knew about the two formats, I didn’t realize there was a selection option.
For now I’ll assume that this insight will address members’ concern and go off to test it.

Seems our “solution” could simply be to inform members of the two File Save format options.

Thanks for the quick reply. Travis

No problem. If you or any of your members do observe issues with file format incompatibility or “not reading older file formats”, please let us know. :slight_smile:

FWIW, some new file format observation from @Stroonzo.

Yes, Jason’s YouTube video makes it clear … 0.9.21 is a HUGE deal.

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