Ultimi aggiornamenti

Perchè ultimi due aggiornamenti 1.00.3, 1.004 non viene più riconosciuta la lingua scelta del paese richiesto ma viene visualizzata solo la lingua inglese?

Why is the chosen language of the requested country no longer recognized but only the English language is displayed in the last two updates 1.00.3, 1.004?

prova a disintallarlo e reinstallarlo che io ho fatto entrambi gli upgrade e la mia interfaccia è in italiano

try to uninstall and reinstall it that I have done both upgrades and my interface is in Italian

There was an issue that was resolved for Mac version in 1.0.02.

Here I show Italian selected using version 1.0.04. :slight_smile:

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me too, and i’m italian :wink:

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