Unable to Calibrate Camera_after reading all posts

Frustration! I have been using the Lightburn Camera for over 2 years with NO problems and exact positioning. But my subscription ran out before I could renew it. Renewed it and my camera is not lining up AT ALL its almost 2 inches off and will the lens will not calibrate.
Windows 10 Pro Lightburn Camera, Ruida control, calibrated Camera Alignment perfectly, printed and sized the circle pattern image.
But everytime that I Capture Image tab it gives me some wacky Score: 413.45, 1238.83, 1.89 and I had not even moved the image paper.
PLEASE HELP! I LOVE my Lightburn software and camera when it was working!

Please post some more in-depth explanation of what you’re doing during the calibration process. Some folks seem to need more light and some folks try to calibrate the first part (field flattening) with the lid closed - and this causes little but despair. The first/hard part is about getting the fish-eye out of the lens in software. The second part, sampled with the camera mounted and the lid closed, is about correcting for the point-of-view of the camera. Please share screen captures and cell phone pictures.

I’d like to see you succeed with this.

Hi Kelly,
Just checking in - did you get your camera sorted out?

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