Unable to Frame My Project in Falcon 2 40watt

Hi I am unable to frame a project with the Creality Falcon 2 40watt. It homes correctly, moves the correct distances when moved but when I want to frame my project which is only 100mm x 100mm it goes the full width of the X axis about 400mm and stops at the limit switch. I have the machine settings etc all set up in device settings.
Can anyone help as I have only just received it today and trying to test the laser settings.
Also even though I set the finish position of the engrave as the Origin it wants to keep going off on the Y axis 300mm to the back and onto the x limit switch. The origin I have is X20mm and Y125mm.
Lightburn doesn’t seem to know the device setup for some reason

Please post your machine settings here by opening the console window and typing $$. Copy and paste the results.

Thanks for trying to help, see below for my settings.
[OK]system start-up CV50-MASTER-Release V3.0.1 20230511-1116

re_info->power:40W ,CV50-LASER-40W-Debug V3.0.1 20230718-0952

usb connect succeed



[software versions: CV50-MASTER-Release V3.0.1 20230511-1116]















































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