Upgraded to 1.6 and now things look wrong

I automatically upgraded to 1.6 and now icons and my lines on the grid are very choppy and look like 1980 computer screen quality. Is there a change or do I need to change my settings to something else?

Sometimes when you update LightBurn, Windows will do strange things, like ignore your preferences/settings. Go to File>Load Prefs Backup>Select an option that worked for you previously to get your icons and grid back the way it was.

Thanks for the assist. I did this and some of it went back but the graphics on the icons and even a circle drawn on the screen has the jagged edges. Maybe someone with my computer but tried it on my other and same deal. Not sure how to post a screenshot here to better illustrate my issue.

Can you try adjusting the resolution like they did in this video? https://youtu.be/L_nYLbIryAQ?feature=shared&t=99

You can drag and drop your image in-line or click the ‘Upload’ icon to select the file(s) to upload.

Thanks for the help on how to upload, didn’t even see that!

As for the problem, here is what i’m seeing. I did what the video instructed and still no joy.

Are you referring to the dots on the outlines? I see those on mine too, but that has been my normal for a long time. I think they simulate “nodes”.

Yeah, kind of wish I didn’t update the software now. Everything looks fuzzy and not crisp as it was before.

Definitely won’t update my other laptop until I can get a resolution on this one.

Lightburn staff, any help here?

Is that how LB opens? Are you super zoomed out of the project? I see -2400 on the work surface in a few pictures above. Have you tried holding shift when you launch LB? That reset’s LB to defaults.

Yes, thats how lightburn opens. Did have choppy or blurry lines before the update. I’m sure I have something wrong in my settings or something.

Go to your display settings. Do you have the recommended selected? My system is crisp. I don’t see the problems you are seeing in less I mess with these settings. I’m assuming windows OS.

I may have missed it, but check to see if you have the rendering set to ‘Course’. That may be what you are seeing. If so, change that to either of the ‘Smooth’ options. :slight_smile:

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