Upgrading to a 6445 - Got a few questions

Also thinking of getting a lightburn camera. Which is the one to get?

So I measured my machine tonight for determining the right camera and also noticed my z motor mount is not a matching size to the other stepper motor mounts. It’s like 55mm. I need to figure out what stepper motor would fit in this and work.

Also, since I have a 400 x 600 bed, and 81CM from the lid at full extension when open to the bed, I’m guessing I won’t want a super wide angle lens. When looking at the chart it seems I need one without wide angle. Actually I should start a different thread for the camera stuff.

Maybe more of a load. Nema 22 (2.2" = 55.88mm). Are you sure when you raise and lower your bed that it doesn’t move to the left, right, front or back a little? I don’t think I’ve seen one that is in this price range that was usable at least via software.

If the software asks it to move down 1mm and it moves not only down the 1mm, but some other unknown direction a ‘little bit’, it’s not really what I think of as being very useful in a cnc machine.

Keep us up to date on what you are doing. We all learn from others endeavors.


Thanks for the input. It doesn’t move laterally as it has 4 vertical ball rods. It is VERY slow though. Thanks for letting me know nema 22 is 55.88mm. That’s likely it. So now I have to figure out a motor that would move it quickly. Any suggestions on a model number for a stepper motor to order?

Really smooth and tight, but rather slow for this type of machine. However for the Z it’s livable if it’s just slight movement to adjust depth slightly via the software.

It’s all relative. Compare it to mine, where I have a knob that I have to twist 25 times to move it 4 inches. Yours sounds like a dream… :crazy_face:


Man, that manual knob sounds like torture. On mine it takes minutes to go all the way up if starting from the bottom as it has 400mm of travel end to end. But I only ever adjust it when I switch materials. Typically only large movements when moving between bottles and back to flat stuff.

Maybe I shouldn’t worry about automating the z height with a stepper motor after all? Is there really that much benefit to be had by having it integrated into lightburn? It sounded cool when I read it.

If you make multiple passes to cut something it would probably be beneficial to lower the head and move the hot spot down. Of course if you use a long lens that might work for you.

I probably couldn’t imagine what you could use it for, but generally speaking if you move it up and down for flat to bottle, it probably be more trouble than it’s worth.

I don’t have a computer where the machine is, so I can’t ask the software to lower it while I’m standing there. So I end up at the control panel, kind of a pain.

I’d probably take the control panel pain over the knob pain…

There are lots of areas to improve on, so do them one at a time… :slight_smile:


Brillant… Thanks

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