Use perforation mode with CO2 tube to reduce burn while cutting

yesss Ed!!!

that’s the answer I wanted to read, thank you much!!!
Yours results talk by themselfs :+1: :+1: :+1:

It’s already perfect for me! the scope is all!

So theoricaly possible to emit 5 ms pulse every 5ms, but it’s too low for perforation mode (0.01mm res.). But if I decide to cut the lines with perforation mode at 0.01mm/0.01mm, will it reduce the tube lifetime? …like when my 4 years old child turns the home light on/off fast? :slight_smile:

I formulate differently, is this perforation mode (0.01/0.01mm) included in the CO2 laser tube standard use case? (even if it’s permitted in lightburn) or is it in the edge of the normal conditions of work? english is awfull…sorry