Version 1.6.01 problem. images not loading. They come up as blank squares

Hello all, I was playing around with version 1.6.01 and I found that it is not displaying the images I copy or import into lightburn. What shows up is a blank square the size of the image. I also noticed that the layer is not labeled as “Image”. It defaults to line or fill depending on what that layer default is. I switched back to 1.7.00 and the images now show up. Thank you in advance. Let me know if you need me to upload anything. Thank you again.

I can confirm this. I’m looking into it.

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@TheBaron this is fixed and the public beta installer has been updated.

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Thank you Adam, I tried to install the latest beta from your link above and lightburn is crashing after install as it tries to open. This is the Crash log:
Crash Log Stack Trace for LightBurn v1.6.01:


Undo Stack:

Redo Stack:

I am here if you need me to upload anything. Thank you again.

Damn… that’s odd.
Can you open this folder:
(Just copy/paste that into the file explorer address bar)
And then upload prefs.ini from there to this thread?

I am trying but I get this message from the forum.

Possible trick is to change the extension to. gc from .ini :smiley:
They are text files anyway!

prefs.gc (62.2 KB)

Perfect, thanks!
Please grab the latest 1.6.01 download and give it a shot. Should be fixed now.

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All seems well. :slight_smile:


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