Hello all, I was playing around with version 1.6.01 and I found that it is not displaying the images I copy or import into lightburn. What shows up is a blank square the size of the image. I also noticed that the layer is not labeled as “Image”. It defaults to line or fill depending on what that layer default is. I switched back to 1.7.00 and the images now show up. Thank you in advance. Let me know if you need me to upload anything. Thank you again.
I can confirm this. I’m looking into it.
@TheBaron this is fixed and the public beta installer has been updated.
Thank you Adam, I tried to install the latest beta from your link above and lightburn is crashing after install as it tries to open. This is the Crash log:
Crash Log Stack Trace for LightBurn v1.6.01:
Undo Stack:
Redo Stack:
I am here if you need me to upload anything. Thank you again.
Damn… that’s odd.
Can you open this folder:
(Just copy/paste that into the file explorer address bar)
And then upload prefs.ini from there to this thread?
Possible trick is to change the extension to. gc from .ini
They are text files anyway!
prefs.gc (62.2 KB)
Perfect, thanks!
Please grab the latest 1.6.01 download and give it a shot. Should be fixed now.
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