Vertical number pathing

Morning all.
Im trying to create a dial setup. As you can see in the picture. However Id like the numbers to appear vertically along the line, i.e, looking at the ‘1’ now it’s tip is on the circle, I’d like to be able to have the side of the ‘1’ along the edge of the circle. Is this possible?


You did not share how this was created, but if I assume you used ‘Apply Path to Text’, I have a suggestion. Could this work for what you are wanting?

Yeah sorry, I used path to text, not too good with giving my explanations. And my skills on lightburn are even worse.
So I tried everything you said. Path to text, no issue. The variable text box doesnt show me serial number, just this.
I do have these options on the ribbon bar, which I gather is the same, and have then chosen Serial number:
But using the circle array did nothing to change the orientation of the text, with or without the rotate object being green.

Found a picture of what i am trying to achieve

Correct, this is where you will find that setting as it is a type of ‘Text’.

Have a look at the following and let us know how you get on with this workflow:

Starrting here:

Gets me this.

Realised I can change centre to spread them out:

But it didnt increment the numbers for me.

So I thought I would do the exact example and use dd:
End up with this.

So Using the numbered effort, I can make it work, unfortunattely just means a little extra effort typing out all the numbers when doing multiple different size dials.

Do this:

  • Draw a circle
  • Use the ‘Text’ tool and type “dd” and set it to ‘Serial Number’
  • Place text on the circle around the “1 O’Clock” location
  • Select the “dd” text object, then hold shift and select the circle

You are now ready to ask LightBurn to automatically and dynamically build (meaning as you change the settings you will see this happen on-screen) an array of the “dd” text object around the circle you drew in the first step.

Hover your mouse over stuff for bubble help and then hit F1 to be taken to the documentation for that subject.

Click the ‘Circular Array’ tool to bring up the edit window. You now set the number of copies you want, along with other settings explained in detail in our documentation linked.

Take another look at the full-screen example I posted above for the exact ‘Circular Array’ settings used to create what you see.


I will also note, you will only “see” the “dd” represented as the clock numbers shown is in the ‘Preview’ window, clicking the ‘’ button in the ‘Variable Text’ window or when you run the job.

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Excellent. Thanks a lot for the step by step, I actually understood that, nice and simple for a rank amateur like myself…

Its an extremely messy setup though! And only being able to see it when I test, makes lining it up an absolute nightmare. I cant just pick up the ‘dd’ and move them, as they have to be off centre to for the numbers to actually be centred.
When I click test on this, they are centred within the circle. I dont suppose there is any cure for that? Just the price of being able to use that feature?

Absolute location can be controlled. You need to look again at the array settings and play a bit.

Not following this as you should be able to select any un-locked object in LightBurn and drag, move with keyboard, to move it around. Are you saying you can not select and move these objects?

If you select the shapes, then go to Edit > Convert to Path it will bake the text shapes in. They won’t be editable as text any more, but you can more easily move and arrange them. I’ll be adding a feature to let you bake variable text so it’s “just text”, but that isn’t in yet.

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Yes, I would imagine I would definately need to look harder at the settings. As I clearly dont understand half the stuff I want to do unfortunately.
Yeah I can select and move them, it was more that whilst moving them, I cannot know EXACTLY where thee numbers they represent will be, so its more a case of move, test, move, test, and so on.

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