Weird fill behavior

This is enough to make a grown man cry…
I imported the QR code svg and it won’t fill correctly unless I leave it as having the two layers - pink and black. If I make the code to an all black layer, the whole square is filled.
How can I make this just one layer that fills the letters and qr code?

test.lbrn2 (277.8 KB)

Change pink layer to black layer.
or, Make your own QR code.

I downloaded your file. What is the pink layer doing for you that the black layer isn’t? If I turn off the pink layer the black QR code takes me to your linktree. If I turn off the black layer and put pink in fill it takes me to the same site. In my opinion you don’t need the pink layer at all.

The reason it fills in completely is because it is filling all the negative space because of the outline.

Well… that’s the one thing I didn’t try. :joy:. I don’t know why the pink layer is there. The svg is from Illustrator.
I was confused because if I changed the pink layer to black, it would either fill the square in or mess up the code.

Sometimes you just need a fresh set of eyes.

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All a part of learning. Your post will hopefully help another member who has a similar problem. I learn a lot from reading about other people’s problems and solutions, even if I am not having that particular issue. 80% of what I know, I stole from the 'net.

I remember when all we had was the old encyclopedias and the public library. The internet is the best thing ever for sharing information.

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The vector image on the “pink” layer (C23: you can see that color? :microscope:) is the inverse of the pattern on the “black” layer (C00), because it has a surrounding square that flips the inside-outside count. When you enable both layers, the whole thing gets engraved.

Set C23 to Fill and, if that shows the result you want, delete the QR code on C00, move the code on C23 to C00 (select it, click the C00 block in the
Color Palette), and you’re done.

If the filled QR code on C23 is not what you want, then just delete it.