Weld/Boolean image

Hi there
Probably ( another ) rookie error - but can you plse tell me what Im doing wrong here

I bought this Cat Silhouette - but cant seem to join it to something else ( using wrong words here, im sure - weld or boolean ! ) I want to join the cat into another object, so that where it joins, the cat is merged with the outer shape ( Im making a christmasy bauble )

Ive tried closing path etc from the edit menu. I converted it to a bitmap and traced etc - but still cant do it. I have the file in .eps. .jpg. png svg. and dxf. I’ve been working with the svg file

thank you Cats Silhouette-26

Is it something in this style you are thinking of?


LYHi Bernd - EXACTY like that lol… how did you do that…what did you do with the image?


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sorry the delay …,
I saved your cat and imported it as SVG into LightBurn.
Now I draw a circle with offset 6mm and group it. I center it all. Now I bring up the amazing boolean assistant and use option 1 - “Union” - fantastic fine tool. Finally, I make an offset circle again and use the Boolian Assistant again.

Note that the offset rings must be grouped


Maybe RalphU can make one of his fine explanations with this example, he always explains things very nicely and clearly.


That was perfectly clear to me. Thanks for posting that.

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Thank you
I thought that is what I was doing… but obviously cant have been - so, I shall try again. Thank you so much for your amazingly fast and clear response - very much appreciated

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You are welcome.
You just report back if there are any problems with your Christmas cat :wink:


ahhhh… found out what it was!! The circle I was trying to union it with had duplicates! I got rid of the duplicates and works like a dream… no wonder it wasn’t working. thanks again so much for you’re speedy response - in ver grateful


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