What is f'ing wrong with this file - Solved

I have been burning files with no issues for more than a week, my machine homes to front left and has set zero turned on in software, i tried to do a cut shapes all stinking night and now i whenever i try and even frame this file it crashes my f’ing machine. How can an force that f’ing machine 0,0 to be actually 0.0 i have wood clamped in my machine for a user origin of 0,10 and this file will not print.

Nothing has changed in my machine or its firmware so why all of a sudden to i have a machine zero that is negative when my firmware is saying NOT TO DO THAT.

90 inch laser pole pg1.lbrn2 (499.1 KB)

I am not sure if this is a bug but i would think so if you have an item in the workspace that you cannot see which was the issue with the file.

If you look at the screen you can see the green square depicting the origin of a large rectangle that has no layer or is even visible in the workspace, but is sure does crash the machine if you try and frame the job which just made the moves and also did not show the box. Clicking on the green square would not select it either I had to randomly poke around until i found it.

I can now burn the file at any origin I choose once again.

I did have a rectangle that size that was deleted so apparently it wasn’t deleted completely likely the most frustrating issue i have had with lightburn since i could not see what was causing it.

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